Gjedrem Farm

Country: Norway

Gunnar Gjedrem started with bees and become a beekeeper in 1971. Gunnar ran the bee-farm until 2001 when the son took over. Today, the whole family, the children Gustine and Alexander, and the mother Alexandra work together with the father Rune with the bees.

Bjerkreim is a great place to do beekeeping and the beehives are located in different places a few kilometres from the centre of Bjerkreim. If there are good conditions in the spring and in the early summer, you can harvest summer honey, but it is the heather in July-August that can give the largest production. It all depends on the weather and there is great annual variation. The big differences makes beekeeping so exciting and one is never fully taught.

Gjedrem farm also have a collaboration with Bjerkreim school on a teaching program for 3rd grade where students can join the bee keeper for a day. It is inspiring to see how committed the students become when they look in the beehives. Finding the marked queen is extra cool!

From the very beginning in 1971, great emphasis has been placed on good welfare and high quality honey. Like most people in Dalane, they have the Nordic brown bee, it is hardy and is the bee breed that copes best withstands the variations in the climate.


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