Photo: Magma UGG
Who can become members
Recognized and esteblished UNESCO Global Geoparks/ aspiring Geoparks or territories aiming at working with local food enterprises adopting common criteria, values for sustainable agricultural and rural tourism development and educational activities linked with food are invited to contact us
UNESCO Global Geoparks territories which would like to work with local food enterprises (producers, farmers, restaurants) following the quality standards expressed within the CRITERIA and our MANIFESTO, are encourage to contact Sara Gentilini-
We will support you in streghtening the cooperation with your local communities, working with stakehoders, enhance the visibility of your Geoparks and increase awarness on your local geological heritage through your amazing local food products.
The membership will allow you to adopt the brand, you will get supported to develop your storyline processes for valorisation of local food network, you will be able to participate to our meetings and projects and your Geopark and GEOfood members will be promoted on social media and webpage.