Photo: Qeshm UGG
Our story
GEOfood is an international initiative run by UNESCO Global Geoparks which engages local communities to build up local narratives focused on the connection between geology and food
GEOfood is not “an other local food brand”
The GEOfood initiative has its route within the values of UNESCO Global Geoparks based on local communities engagement and sustainable development actions in education, businnes and research.
The GEOfood mission is also focused on supporting local enterprises, educate Geopark´s visitors and inhabitants and to run researches for developing innovative tools for sustainable development.
GEOfood has been thought as one of the possible Geopark´s answers for comply with the worldwide agricultural challenges detected by United Nation within the Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) and specifically from FAO (Food Agricultural Organization Agency of the United Nations).

Do you want to be part of the GEOfood International movements?
GEOfood is a copyrighted brand which certified local producers and restaurant within UNESCO Global Geopark territories.
It has its route as UNESCO Global Geoparks initiative led by Magma Geopark (Norway) but it is now a separate no-profit share company which, from 2024, will include all the members in the Company Governance.
GEOfood is based on CRITERIA and MANIFESTO , common to all members based on short chain food supply, sustanable production proccess, for reducing climate impact and support local communities.
The GEOfood “quality “derives not from any chemical composition but it is build up thought the stories, traditions, heritage of the local communities crossed with the geological peculiarity of each Geopark areas, it aims at empowering local communities in increasing the awarness of the importance of local resources both biotic and abiotic, strongly emphasizing the strong connection and intercorrelation between biodiversity and geodiversity.
The GEOfood narrative, is an innovative way to connect all targets of the population with the geological history and research running in the territory: food is an “international language” that anyone can understand, through the food we like to connect people with soil, nature and strengthen the food education towards km zero food and responsible use of the resources.
Who can be part of it?
GEOfood is reserved to UNESCO Global Geoparks territories (including multi designated UNESCO sites). Geopark manager can contact to get information.
Aspiring Geoparks and Geopark projects are welcoming to contact us for get supported in developing preliminary local communities engagement strategies around the GEOfood values.
Why become part of it?
The GEOfood initiative groups together some UNESCO Global Geoparks supporting them to develop local food network around settled criteria and values, valorising local identity, supporting new tourism possibility and educational offers based on the peculiar geological and cultural heritage; supporting exchanging good practices and the Geopark´s bottom up approach.
Through the webpage, social media and events, the GEOfood promotes local producers and restaurants internationally, marketing the Geopark and its inhabitants Worldwide, through innovative technological solutions.
Projects are also in place and common fundraising opportunities are investigated on regular base both in Europe and Worldwide, only members are entitled to join those initiatives.
How become officially part of it?
GEOfood is copyrighted brand and it is available upon request following a 250 Euro fee (yearly par Geopark), only recognized UNESCO Global Geopark can require its membership at
The fee includes:
The right on the use of the brand on local products and restaurants.
Manual for the use of the brand, tips in how to combine the GEOfood with your Geopark brand.
Editable GEOfood info leaflets for customise it with your own Geopark pictures and map.
Access to all the information available, good practices from other Geoparks
Inclusion into common projects and Conference, yearly events.