Photo: Discovery UGG

Educational resources

We are continuously working to improve the educational offer focused on  sustainable strategies and climate change issues because we think that everyone can make the difference for a better Planet! 

Education to food sustainability

Nature works tirelessly on our behalf providing us with our essential needs – water, food, clean air, medicine, and materials for shelter. But the way we produce, consume and waste food is putting unnecessary pressure on natural resources, the environment and climate.

It’s time for us to learn from nature and work with it, not against it.

Agri-food systems are like ecosystems in that everything is connected but we need to make choices and actions that help them develop a better synergy. People from all walks of life, their livelihoods, our health and that of our planet need nurturing to thrive.

Trees clean our air and cool our cities, but they also work as a community. They communicate with their roots and share resources, like nutrients for food. As a global community, we each have a role to play in the transformation of agri-food systems – from governments to private companies, farmers, civil society, academia, and all individuals, including youth!

Together we can empower each and every element of our agri-food systems to collaborate more fairly, sustainably and inclusively from farm to table, and beyond.

We can all learn from nature by acting with nature.

What can you do? 

Choose a healthy diet

We need to choose health at every step of the food system. Start with your own! . Add fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and wholegrains to your diet and reduce ultra-processed foods that are high in salt, sugar or fats. 

Choose sustainable

We need to choose health at every step of the food system. Start with your own! Protect it by choosing diverse and nutritious foods. Just as variety supports biodiversity, a varied and balanced diet benefits your body and mind. Add fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and wholegrains to your diet and reduce ultra-processed foods that are high in salt, sugar or fats. Reduce food waste

Buy only what you need and use it all! . Try to improve food storage and meal planning at home and make pickles or jam preserves with fruit and vegetables you haven’t consumed.

Recycle like nature

Nature never wastes! Water is always in constant motion in a natural cycle between the Earth and atmosphere. Learn from nature and try reusing water at home, for example by using old water that cooked vegetables or rainwater to water your plants. You can also put nutrients back into the soil by composting raw or cooked foods you can no longer eat. Try composting if you have a garden or look into local composting schemes

Support small food producers

Choose short, inclusive value chains that connect producers to consumers and nurture ecosystems. Look out for Geographical Indication (GI) and GEOfood  labels that support food producers. These initiatives make certain unique foods and products more widely available, increasing their value and – in turn – the incomes of smallholder producers. You can also shop at local Farmers’ Markets that often promote biodiversity and local varieties.

Add some green to the scene

Creating green spaces in window boxes, on your balcony or in your garden helps cities to breathe. Large green spaces create shade and they also clean the air, cool the city and reduce water pollution. No space? Get involved in a local community garden. Growing food at home is fun and a way to learn about plants and appreciate them, while improving your diet! Nourish the environment and your community.

Dress sustainably

Agri-food systems don’t only produce food! They also produce fibres such as cotton and wool. Be sustainable in the way you dress. Support fashion and brands that are socially responsible and ethical and research brands before buying. Are the clothes produced sustainably? Do the companies respect workers’ rights? Do they give something back to the community? You can also donate old clothes to charity and buy second-hand to support a zero waste style.

Share knowledge and information

Speak up and share knowledge and information online. Get more people to care about how our food is produced and how this affects our planet. Raise awareness about better nutrition and openly support restaurants or private companies that are making genuine efforts to be #FoodHeroes


Source FAO-

Together with partners from all around the World we have developed sevral version of the GEOfood educational leaflet! Download your copy for free!