Cooperativa Agrícola de Macedo de Cavaleiros

Country: Portugal

The Agricultural Cooperative of Macedo de Cavaleiros, CRL in operation for more than five decades, was formally constituted on February 27, 1961. Located in Macedo de Cavaleiros, in Vale de Arcas. Its statutes were published in the Diário do Governo nº96 of the III Series on April 22, 1961, being subsequently revised in the Diário da República nº 152, Series III of the 3rd of June 1984. Its social area is limited to the municipality. Macedo de Cavaleiros, and some parishes in the municipality of Mirandela. 13 founding cooperators were part of its foundation, currently the Agricultural Cooperative of Macedo de Cavaleiros has about 2000 active cooperative members in the sections it maintains active.

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