Burren Premium Beef

The O’Rourke’s launched their delicious brand of beef called Burren Premium Beef to sell directly to consumers in October 2020. Since then, Burren Premium Beef has become a popular choice for local restaurants, chefs, and customers alike. The O’Rourke family have been synonymous with farming in North Clare and South Galway for generations. Their family farm is an excellent example of traditional farming methods that have helped shape and conserve the Burren landscape for centuries. The farming system which they carry out is an extensive grass-based calf to beef system where all animals are reared on the farm and remain here until the end of life. The cattle are grass-fed and range freely over the extensive pastures; all cared for and maintained through the regenerative and traditional ‘Winterage’ farming practices the O’Rourke’s implement. Their style of farming benefits the animals, allowing them to live and grow in a natural pace and way, resulting in quality of life for the animals and better beef for humans.
All aspects of the Burren Premium Beef production cycle are managed locally within the Geopark. The O’Rourke family process many of the animals themselves. The beef is butchered by a local craft butcher, who extracts the best cuts. The beef is aged for 28 days, for maximum flavour and tenderness.

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