Mulheres do Quandu

The Company

The Associação das Mulheres Produtoras Rurais da Comunidade Quandú e Adjacências do Município de Currais Novos was founded on April 24, 2010. It is an entity made up of women, mostly family farmers. Its purpose is to contribute to improving the income, education and well-being of women in the community and surroundings.To this end, it has been striving to seek alternatives that promote these women, inserting them in projects that can add value and better sell what they produce and also that provide them with self-esteem in the family nucleus. Thus, they had the opportunity to participate in several training courses regarding the manufacture and handling of food: joining their knowledge to those acquired in training, today they produce sweets, cookies and other handcrafted products that are sold at fairs, events, exhibitions and government programs.
On the other hand, since the Quandu Community is part of the Seridó Geopark, located near the Pico do Totoró and Lagoa do Santo geosites, there is nothing more coherent than seeking alternatives within the Geotourism that is expanding in the region. The partnership with Seridó UGGp has brought us promising results and it is in this perspective that the future of the Association is envisioned, developing our community in a sustainable way.

The products

Mulheres do Quandu will only produce Biscoitos de Nata, (Nata Biscuits), Doce de Leite (Milk Cream) and Doce de Mamão (Papaya Cream) as GEOfood. These products are related to the territory of the Seridó Geopark because they are located in the vicinity of important geosites. In addition, the soils from which raw materials and paste for dairy cows are taken benefit from a floodplain environment which characterised the production area.

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