IGCP 726 GEOfood for sustainable development
The project has been awarded by the International Geoscience Programme lead by Magma Unesco Global Geopark
Geopark Naturtejo, Geoparque Mundial da UNESCO in Portugal and
Geoparcul Internațional U N E S C O Țara Hațegului, Hateg Geopark în Romania.
We are now 42 members, Geoparks, aspiring Geoparks, Universities, scientists, coming from 22 Countries with the aim of establish a scientific approach to GEOfood, starting from the connection between geoheritage, geodiversity, ecosystem services, foodproduction and sustainabledevelopment.
Based on this study, the project will establish methodologies for geoproducts assessment, implementation. It will create procedures, guidelines, printed materials and other tools to support bottomup approach and comunity engagement around the world, sharing.
The results will then be analysed and diffused in the scientific community as well as in the UNESCO Global Geopark international networks.We will have a new webpage for the moment follow us here!
Info or for joining us sara@magmageopark.com