Lauhanvuori – Hämeenkangas Geopark

In Lauhanvuori – Hämeenkangas UNESCO Global Geopark, located in the southern part of the Suomenselkä drainage divide. Here you will find two national parks, mire conservation areas and numerous natural and cultural sites.

The Geopark’s story dates back as far as 1900 million years ago. Crustal movements raised a large fold mountain range across Finland, which eroded in the course of hundreds of millions of years.

The Geopark’s history is a story of dramatic changes in the landscape: with wide mires of today were originally an impressive mountain scene, which, however, eroded a long time ago. The mountain range rose and fell in the distant past, but the events left in their wake a landscape that has promoted the development of a diverse mire habitat. The different types of mires, and the related cultural history, are an important part of the Geopark’s story.

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