Badil Restaurant

Country: Iran

“Badil” means a tablecloth in the dialect of Hormozgan and southern Iran. It is a kind of round mat made of palm leaves that the local used as a tablecloth at the time of serving. Badil traditional restaurant with local architecture design managed by local lady is a place for serving a variety local and seafood. The decoration and interior space of Badil is belonging to south of Iran architecture and is designed in accordance with traditional architecture. The traditional restaurant has a VIP hall with Hujleh (Hormozgan native bride’s room) and guests can take photos in this section.

Badil local restaurant with a license from general directorate of cultural heritage, handicraft and tourism of QFZ and has been operating since 2015. Its main goal is to introduce and serving seafood, local and traditional food of hormozgan province. The use of fresh ingredients is a prominent feature of this restaurant.

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