The half-timbered house at Inselsbergstrasse 83 in Bad Tabarz has been owned by the Jung family again for a good 10 years now; previously under the name “Romantik Schenke” it was one of the top culinary addresses in Thuringia from the mid-90s to the early 2000s.Time...
Herdade do Escrivão
Herdade do Escrivão is a brand of organic products with over 20 years' experience having pioneered organic certified products in the region. The company was born out of a business on a family property over 80 years ago. Herdade do Escrivão is closely committed...
Christmas market of the Municipality of Salonicco
Geopark Grevena-Kozani Unesco Global Geopark from Greece participated for the first year in the Christmas market of the Municipality of Salonicco. This is the result of a ver good cooperation between UNESCO Global Geopark of Grevena-Kozani Geopark Grevena-Kozani...