Photo: Tre Tyttebær- A. O. Klippenberg
Our values
The GEOfood born as an answer for the worldwide future agricultural challenges detected by United Nation within the Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG)
The Criteria
Specific Criteria for the products :
1.1 GEOfood brand can only be used by producers, companies and restaurants located within the territories of approved UNESCO Global Geoparks.
1.2 The Geopark must send a request to GEOfood International in order to join the GEOfood brand and become a GEOfood member.
1.3 Each Geopark is responsible for the implementation and follow up of the GEOfood brand in its territory, ensuring the respect for criteria and use of the logo.
1.4 Specific information about the origin of raw materials, geological context and the connection with the geological heritage of the Geopark (storytelling) must be provided to the consumers, in the food label or in the menus (or through QR codes).
1.5 GEOfood logo must be clearly visible in the products and restaurants. It should appear in product labels, menus, promotional materials and communication channels (webpage, social media, leaflets, etc.)
1.6 Producers, companies and restaurants have to report to the Geopark yearly, or as agreed upon, about their activity regarding GEOfood.
1.7 Producers, companies and restaurants should operate on a mutually promoting basis with the Geopark, using Geopark logos in promotional materials and communication channels (webpage, social media, leaflets, etc.)
- Specific Criteria for the Products:
2.1 The raw materials that constitute the GEOfood products must come from the Geopark area, or eventually from a specific defined buffer zone.
2.2 GEOfood producers have to be mandatorily located in the Geopark area, or eventually in a specific defined buffer zone.
2.3. Each Geopark can decide whether to establish a buffer zone not exceeding 10% of the overall area, regarding the location of the companies and cultivated fields/farms, area neighboring to the territory.
The choice of the buffer zone should be motivated because the facilities and fields or farms are located in close proximity to the Geopark boundaries or due to coherence within the geological context.
2.4 The existence of the buffer zone must be described on the label (or on the webpage) along with the other information and content about the geology.
2.5 Raw materials can be processed outside the Geopark and/or outside the buffer zone, when strictly necessary due to existence of specific processing implants which are not existing inside the Geopark, or else the ones within the borders need to be prioritized
2.6 GEOfood products must have strong connection with the geological heritage of the Geopark, highlighting its importance with storytelling and providing customers with the opportunity to understand and enjoy this heritage
- Specific Criteria for Restaurants:
3.1 The GEOfood restaurants have to serve at least one GEOfood Menu, either seasonally or yearly.
3.2 The restaurants must have GEOfood Menus with at least 50% of raw products produced locally, in the Geopark area (or buffer zone). This percentage is calculated based on the relevance of the ingredient for the overall plate (not through rigorous mathematical calculation).
3.3 GEOfood Menus must be inspired by the geological heritage of the Geopark, highlighting its importance and providing customers with the opportunity to understand and enjoy this heritage
- Specifications:
4.1 Fishery products may be frozen but must originally come from the Geopark area (or buffer zone).
4.2 The addition of sugar or salt to products is allowed, even if these products are not produced within the Geopark area. Furthermore, they do not count in the calculation of the 50% local raw material for GEOfood Menus in restaurants.
The Manifesto
The food industry is a key sector for the deep changes required by the society in order to fulfill the SDGs by 2030. The agricultural sector plays a fundamental role in facing the World’s challenges linked with climate change, biodiversity loss, food scarcity and growing population. Representing some 500 Million, or 88% of the 570 Million farms globally, family generates about 80% of the Earth’s food.
Five main points have been detected for reaching equality and to face the climate crisis.
- Improving efficiency in the use of resources.
- Direct action to ensure, protect natural resources.
- Agriculture must improve rural livelihood, equity and social well-being
- Enhance resilience of people, community and ecosystem.
- Responsible and effective governance mechanism is required.