Vidavoce family company in Naturtejo Geopark, Portugal, joined GEOfood.
Naturtejo Geopark Geoproducts are products related and/or inspired by the territory’s Geodiversity. An example of this is the granite landscape of Oledo, its reliefs, shapes and soils where the raw materials used by Viladoce are produced. Viladoce is headquarted in Oledo (Idanha-a-Nova) in the heart of Naturtejo Geopark on granitic terrains with about 490 million years old.
Sweets, jams and jellies are produced with artisanal techniques, without synthetic dyes or food preservatives. They are produced with orchard fruits such as figs, quinces, apples, pears, cherries, arbutus, prickly pears, blueberries, goji berries, watermelons and even wild blackberries from the fields. Fresh vegetables from the garden, such as courgettes, aubergines, beets, tomatoes or pumpkins, are also processed and incorporated into innovative products.
Jams are produced using traditional and very old methods of preserving seasonal fruits and vegetables along the all year. Here there is no fruit with defects or out of size, all are used and there is zero waste. As the production is done by hand and in small quantities, each product is unique and sometimes jams with the same flavour have different textures and colours. In a true effort of circular economy and short circuits, raw materials that do not come directly from the farm are purchased from local or regional producers.
In the traditional olive groves of the farm stretching uphill, traditional varieties of olives are grown to be used to produce preserves and oil.